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File formats

Network file

The files containing a description of a model have the *.net.alg extension. It is a basic text file with a specific format. The first line is filled with metadata.


Metadata are a sequence of data at the beginning of the file. They are separated by one space and can be retrieved with the ALG_ReadMetadataFromFile() function.

For networks, metadata are (in this order) :

  1. The input size (i.e. the number of inputs)
  2. The number of layers

For instance, if the file describes a network with 10 inputs and 5 layers, the first line of the file should be like :

10 5


After metadata, each line of the file represent a layer. Each layer own units, and, units own weights and bias.

It means that a units is represented by a sequence of numbers describing the weights and end by number that represent the bias. For instance, if you want to describe a unit with 3 weights of 0.234, 1.456, -2.748 and a bias of 0 you should write :

0.234 1.456 -2.748 0

To add more than one unit to the layer, write a sequence of units like :

0.234 1.456 -2.748 0 0.234 1.456 -2.748 0

In the example above, you have a layer with two units with the same weights and the same bias but feel free to change them.


The bias must be at the end of the units weights sequence.