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Debug and Errors



Type : Structure

Description : A representation of an error.

Variable Type Accessibility Description
message char* Read/Write The error message.
code ALG_ErrorCode Read/Write An array that describe matrix size. First value is the number of rows. The second value is the number of columns.
len size_t Read/Write The error message length.
file char* Read/Write The file where the occurred.
line int Read/Write The line where the error occurred.
hasError bool Read/Write Set to true if the struct if filled.


Prototype : bool ALG_HasError()

Description : Returns true if an error has occurred.

Mutations and return :

Case Name Type Description
Return bool True if an error occurred


Prototype : ALG_Error* ALG_GetError();

Description : Retrieves the error if it has occurred.

Mutations and return

Case Name Type Description
Return ALG_Error* Returns the error struct containing current error.


Prototype : ALG_Error* ALG_PrintError();

Description : Print the error on the standard output stream.

Mutations and return :

No mutations or return.


Type : Function

Prototype : void ALG_SetError(int errorCode, const char *errorMessage, char *file, int line)

Description : Fill an ALG_Error struct in the global error variable.


Parameter Type Description
errorCode ALG_ErrorCode The code of the error.
errorMessage const char A string that contains the error message.
file char* The file name where the error occurred.
line int The line where the error occurred.

Mutations and return

No mutations or return.