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Type : Structure

Description : The Network structure represent the entire neural network.

Variable Type Accessibility Description
_layers ALG_Layer** Read Only An array the network layers
_nbLayers int Read Only The number of layers in the network


Type : Function

Prototype : Network *ALG_CreateNetwork(int inputSize)

Description : Create an artificial neural network with the first input layer.


Parameter Type Description
inputSize int The number of artificial neurons (units) in the input layer.

Mutations and return

Case Name Type Description
Return Network* A pointer to the network structure that have been created.


Type : Function

Prototype : void ALG_AddLayerToNetwork(ALG_Network *n, size_t size)

Description : Create and append a new layer to a network.


Parameter Type Description
n *ALG_Network The network which is going to receive the new layer.
size size_t The number of units inside the layer

Mutations and return

Case Name Type Description
Mutation n Network* The network has received a new layer and its size has been incremented by 1.


Type : Function

Prototype : void ALG_NetworkDestroy(ALG_Network* n)

Description : Free memory of a network.


Parameter Type Description
n ALG_Network* The pointer to free.

Mutations and return

Case Name Type Description
Mutation n ALG_Network* Free the pointer.



Type : Structure

Description : A Layer is a struct that contains units that are on the same depth in the network.

Variable Type Accessibility Description
_units ALG_Unit** Read Only The units contained in the layer.
_nbUnits size_t Read Only The number of units.


Type : Function

Prototype : ALG_Layer *ALG_CreateLayer(size_t size, ALG_Layer *previousLayer)

Description : Create a new Layer.


Parameter Type Description
size size_t The number of units.
previousLayer ALG_Layer* The layer that will forward it's computed units values inside the network.

Mutations and return

Case Name Type Description
Return ALG_Layer* The new layer.


Type : Function

Prototype : void ALG_DestroyLayer(ALG_Layer* l)

Description : Free memory of a layer.


Parameter Type Description
l ALG_Layer* The pointer to free.

Mutations and return

Case Name Type Description
Mutation l ALG_Layer* Free the pointer.



Type : Structure

Description : A Unit represent a network simple computational unit.

Variable Type Accessibility Description
output double Read/Write The computed output of the artificial neuron
_weights *double Read Only The weights values
_nbWeights size_t Read Only The number of weights
_bias double Read Only The computed bias


Type : Function

Prototype : ALG_Unit *ALG_CreateUnit(size_t size)

Description : Create a new Unit.


Parameter Type Description
size size_t The number of weights.

Mutations and return

Case Name Type Description
Return Unit* The new unit.


Type : Function

Prototype : void ALG_DestroyUnit(ALG_Unit *u)

Description : Free memory of a unit.


Parameter Type Description
u *ALG_Unit The unit to destroy.

Mutations and return

Free the u pointer.